Fred Kloppenborg
Menu Fred Kloppenborg

Fred Kloppenborg - January 1999

The research that Fred Kloppenborg sent to the Belchamp Walter PCC "The Legend Of The Three Living And The Three Dead In England" was found in the vestry of St. Mary's Church Belchamp Walter.

The research comprised of photo-copies of the articles and pages from books that Fred had used to compile his study of the wall painting found at Belchamp Walter.

Correspondence between Fred and the Parish Council are dated from 15th January 1999 and 19th August 1999 he sent his report to the PCC.

The front Cover:

  1. Aspect of Death in English art and poetry I & II, by Willy F Storck, Burlington Magazine Vol 21, 1912;
  2. Mural paintings of the Three Living and the Three Dead in England, by E Carleton Williams, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Vol VII, 3rd series, 1942;
  3. English Wall Paintings of the Fourteenth Century, by E W Tristram, London 1955, Chapter Five: The Allegories and Moralities: The Three Living and the Three Dead, pages 112- 114;
  4. Medieval Death, Ritual and Representation, by Paul Binski, BMP, 1996, pages 134-138

The research

I have yet to scan the pages but I fear that the quality would not be good enough to do so. In the meantime I will attempt to find links to the references that he quotes.


I am in the possession of a copy of Medieval Death, Ritual and Representation, by Paul Binski.




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