$( document ).ready() construct

$( document ).ready() construct

A page can't be manipulated safely until the document is "ready." jQuery detects this state of readiness for you. Code included inside $( document ).ready() will only run once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for JavaScript code to execute. Code included inside $( window ).on( "load", function() { ... }) will run once the entire page (images or iframes), not just the DOM, is ready.





  • Template literals (Template strings) - https:// developer.mozilla.org /en-US/docs/Web/ JavaScript/Reference/ Template_literals
  • Window setTimeout() - https:// www.w3schools.com/jsref/ met_win_settimeout.asp - this was used in my slideshow pages
  • $( document ).ready() - https://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/document-ready/

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