Print Modal

Print PDF Modal

In my attempt to develop a timed modal I had used the Bootstrap and jsquery library to implement a dialog to load a PDF for printing.

The working code is located on the Parish Council server. The files are BWPC/timed_alert.html and BWPC/fobwc.html - I gave up on this as I changed the philosophy not to use modals for external links.

The pop-up works well but I don't currently have a use for it.

The pop-up for "sig-up"

The philosophy for the technique

In many cases the device that a PDF form is accessed is neither one that allows it to be read and or printed. Even on a mobile phone the form can be printed from the browser even if the phone user does not know how-to.

If the form is loade on a computer then most users wil be able to print the form by intuition.


Link to PDF Disabled

If you require a copy please email



  • css printer friendly pages - - this article gives some other reasons for printing web pages

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