Menu Interoperable

Interoperable Web Pages

W3C Schools say:

" To show your readers that you've taken the care to create an interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page that validates "

Valid CSS!

W3C are the World Wide Web Consortium.

Creating an interoperable web page and also website is more than just getting your code to validate.

Your pages still need to be checked on all devices confirming that they display in the way that you wanted.

What I am attempting to do with my design is to render all my pages on mobile phones in such a manner that the main content of the page can be read and not obscured with menus. If the visitor wants more menu options they can get them by turning their phones on their sides. While I realise that this is somewhat alien to most phone users it is a compromise to allow the display of a top drop-down menu on a small screen.


When this page is viewed on a phone a banner is displayed (if you are looking at this page on a phone you should be seeing it above). This prompts the visitor to orient their phones 90°.

In addition, when viewed on a computer the Top button will appear and the Menu button will be displayed on tablet and phone screens.
When the Menu button is clicked the overlay menu is displayed. The overlay menu with allow to visitor to go to the top of the screen.

Tablet (Phone in landsape)

When this page is viewed on mid-sized screen the Overlay Menu is not displayed



External Links - references

  • The Nu Html Checker - https://

Site design by Tempusfugit Web Design -