The Google Global Site Tag
Menu Global Site Tag

The Google Global Site Tag

The Global Site tag is also referred to gtag in the Google documentation. I must say that in my "journey" into the new Google Analytics that I am a little confused into how I determined what the correct tracking code should be.

Never-the-less, GA4 seems to be tracking my pages although I am still using the "Universal Tracking" code and ID.

My suspicion is that Google have changed this and the Google help says that you should only add one instance of the tracking code to your pages and that the IDs are interchangable. You can even create your own?

The Google Developers Overview

" The global site tag (gtag.js) is a JavaScript tagging framework and API that allows you to send event data to Google Ads, Campaign Manager, Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, and Google Analytics. Instead of having to manage multiple tags for different products, you can use gtag.js and more easily benefit from the latest measurement features and integrations as they become available. "

" gtag.js makes it easy to send data to multiple Google products by adding code to your website. There's no need to create additional accounts or manage configuration in a separate interface. "


The HTML code for the GA4 tag can be seen here. To use it you don't have to know how it works - that is just me!


After adding the Google Global Tracking Tag bck to my pages I was curious to see how it works. This was a new thing to take a look at.

Once again, my humble JavaScript skills are exposed! Still, I did see a useage of the logical OR.



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