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Genealogical Numbering
Menu Genealogical Numbering

Genealogical Numbering

The use of a numbering system for family trees is useful when reffering to genarations and how they are related to each other. Without some sort of system, as in the case with many trees in older manuscripts, particularly those from Visitations are not easy to follow.


and further down the Freer Tree:

I have purposely not reproduced the Alan Freer Tree of the Decendants of William the Conqueror as it would both be too large and quite frankly pure plagiarism.

The sub-tree relating to the Raymond family, w150.htm, can easily be found by making an Internet search. I have used it to refer to the relationships to other pages on this website. The use of the Villiers/Parma reference with William Harris and Frances Astley



  • de Villiers/Pama System - https:// Genealogical_numbering_systems #de_Villiers/Pama_System
  • The Descendants of William the Conqueror - http:// - The Raymond family is documented here - link to Alan Freer's research

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