Yoast Wordpress Plug-In
Taking a quick look at Yoast it seems that I have been doing all that they suggest except that I had worked it out for myself as opposed to buying a "pre-canned" soulution.
The use of SEO when it comes to your Wordpress website is something that you may be interested. If your website or blog in hosted on the Wordpress servers your pages will be indexed (spidered) by the major search engine robots as a matter of course.
This will include websites that use a "custom domain". Wordpress will encourage you to register a domain through their services but your site will still be hosted on their servers.
SEO is a very important activity if you want your website to be found when Internet users make searches.
Your pages need to be found to be indexed
A recent observation is that a Wordpress website that I formerly had control over is no-longer in the Google index after the home page had been edited and not re-published. The site was found when a search was made for the site but no-longer is after the error was perpetualted.