an analysis use of Wordpress in 2020

an analysis use of Wordpress in 2020

Further to my earlier thoughts on the use of Wordpress I have decided to maintain the Village Hall website using Wordpress exclusively. I tried to design a "hybrid" solution where I was using Wordpress as a front end and my own code to perform more sophisticated functions. I even designed a page design (template) that emulated the look of the new theme that I adopted for the village hall design in Wordpress.

Due to CoronaVirus activity related to the VH has been curtailed I concluded that I was spending too much time developing code that nobody was interested. Most of what I needed to do for the VH can be acheived using the interface. The Block Editor is, presumably, provided to allow the editing of pages and posts on a mobile device.

Using the iPad Pro to maintain the VH Website

While I have found this can be done I am less that impressed even using the Block Editor. Tracking visits and the monitoring of form submission (Contect and Booking) is all contained in the interface.



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