w3-col Class
This is an example where the W3 Schools pages have a multitude of examples and if you are interested in this design technique you really do need to visit their pages. I have removed the link from this page as I don't want visitors to go off there never to return!
The w3-col classes are a departure from my Portfolio template in that although they can be used with the "overlay" technique they can also be used for less-complex designs.
w3-main and w3-collapse classes
Mobile First Fluid Grid
Try to resize the window!
This part will occupy 12 columns on a small screen, 4 on a medium screen, and 3 on a large screen.
This part will occupy 12 columns on a small screen, 8 on a medium screen, and 9 on a large screen.
This part will occupy 12 columns on a small screen, 8 on a medium screen, and 9 on a large screen.
Printing this page
Here I have a problem! I only noticed it when I was thinking about printing multiple QR codes.
While I can display 12 QR codes on a desktop screen (resolution) it will not print 12-up.