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Contact form

This form has been temporarily withdrawn for debugging. THIS PAGE IS A PHP FILE

Possible reasons for server errors

The validation process may be the cause. I need to check where I developed this before.

On-going development

Since I withdrew this form I have reformatted my pages considerably. I now feel that I may wish to continue with the development.

The server errors (I think) were related to the setting of dates. It has been some time since I was looking at this (thanks Jarred for bringing this form back to my attention!). The errors I were seeing I think related to mod_fcgid (the page on which needs to be converted to the new format).

An aspect that has come to light here is that the mail, and other, forms are written as PHP files and as such I cannot review them unless I upload them to the server. When I preview the forms off-line I don't see a webpage and the PHP code echoes back to the screen.




  • Validate form email and URL -
  • Using PHP_SELF in the action field of a form -
  • Apache mod_fcgid -

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