On-Line Safety Bill
Menu On-Line Safety Bill

On-Line Safety Bill

This seems to be a big issue in the UK with the passing of the Bill.

This is unlikely to make any difference for a number of reasons.

  • A British law is unlikely to be adopted intenationally
  • A backdoor in secure communications is not practical.

Back Door

The debate around the concept of a back-door revolves around the impact that it would have on end-to-end encryption.

It is naive to think that International (American) software vendors are going to do this. Even if they did the "bad players" will find a way around it, both from the desire to maintain security and to threaten it. Those that want to continue to have private communications will find altenatives and those that are intent in breaking-in to Internet users accounts will be given a means to do so.



External Links - references

  • The UK Bill - https:// bills.parliament.uk/bills/3137
  • The Guardian Article - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/07/ cia-targeting-devices-smartphones-pc-tv-wikileaks
  • PHP Backdoor - https://lukeleal.com/research/tags/php-backdoor/
  • WordPress Injection Exfiltrates Admin Login - https://lukeleal.com/ research/posts/ wordpress-login-stealer/ - Wordpress a Hacking target

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