Menu Manipulation of the DOMx

Manipulation of the DOM

Making changes to the Document Object Model is key to dynamic page design. Responsive behaviour, the ability for pages to render on multiple screen resolution for example, is one of the keys here.

As nobody seems to be interested in the creation of websites using minimal code I think that I will continue with my own research on the development of techniques for my own use. 2020 will see a new direction and will continue unless a see some interest in the development of either Parish Council sites or other non-complex requirements.

Examples of this manipulation are key to the design of this website. The current template, while being based on the W3.css Framework, much of the operation is brought about by the techniques of the manipulation of the Document Object.

The responsive nature of the website and the use of an Overlay Menu are such examples.

The current project to to make a conditional "go-to-top" button based on the current stickytop button.


How this achieved

The manipulation of the DOM is achieved by firing functions when certain conditions exist. Such as screen resolution and in response to a click.

The elements of the Document are identified and their attributes are manipulated programatically.

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