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Lush Cosmetics pulls Social Media participation

I am not familar with the Lush brand but I admire that they are the first to speak-out against the Social Media giants voicing a dissenting view. fully supports this approach and urges other companies to do the same. While Lush realise that this action is going to affect their bottom line and predict that it could cost them up to £10 million in sales.

It is the opinion of the webmaster that other companies should adopt a similar policy as there is too much air-play on how Social Media companies are harming the young but no-one seems to want to do anything about it. It is all very well to say that the industry need more regulation but the only way it is going change is for people and companies not to use them.

What Lush say about ethics:

" All business should be ethical and all trade should be fair. Individual companies should not stand out simply by not being damaging or unfair. No company should be trading from an unethical position and society has a right to expect as the norm fairness and resource stewardship from the companies that supply them. "



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