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Frameset Forwarding

This is one of the methods that HostingUK forward urls when you register a domain and want to host it on an existing hosting package. As expected there are compromises in doing this, however, I am of the opinion that despite these compromises it is worth the possible confusion of the visitor. The confusions are that the destination (url) that the visitor to the website that you are re-directing will see is the domain that they require but it will be the same url for all pages that are linked from that primary re-direction.

In addiition to the url being the same for all pages there are other limitations such as media queries not working and a limitation to the size of the page that can be loaded in Frameset. The first limitation means that the Responsive behaviour will not work in the redirection and large pdf files (such as the Parish Council Annual Governance and Audit Report) will not fully load.

I am not sure where I saw that there is a limitation for the size of a page within a frame

The Parish Council Website and forwarding the URL

Initially I set this up this way as a cost-cutting measure. This met with a less than favourable reception as the site was not masked and the URL for the Council site was and deemed to be confusing.

There are alternatives to the way URLs are forwarded, at least with, both alterenatives are less than ideal and to avoid any confusion a full hosting package is required.

Tamara Jones

I like Tamaras approach and concure that most browsers, particularly those from Microsoft are those that follow the rules the least. In a similar manner Alan Freer - Descendants of William the Conqueror, Tamara has branched into Genealogy.



  • WikiP on URL Redirects -
  • Adventures in Frame Forwarding or how not to host a website - https:// FrameForwardingProblems.xhtml - - there is some intresting stuff here (well at least for me)
  • Frames in HTML - https:// frames.html

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