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Menu Excluded - Page with redirect

Excluded - Page with redirect

Belchamp Walter

I am seeing this in GSC reports and are presently unsure if a redirect can be the result of a non-canonical declared page.

The Google Index Coverage Report explains why this could happen plus a whole lot more. In fact, the report entry is more of an informational message than an error.

In a similar manner to the error: "Submitted URL not found (404)" the cause may be that you have either deleted the file/page from the server an have not updated the sitemap. Alternatively the canonical declaration may have a spelling error (in my case I updated some of the pages with a similar name and forgot to update the sitemap), or the sitemap entry is just wrong!

Errors of this type seem to relate to pages with a www. subdomain. These could come from an earlier indexing before you may have speicified a permanant redirect of www. to your main domain.



Again, Google explains.....

" After you fix all instances of a specific issue on your site, you can ask Google to validate your changes. If all known instances are gone, the issue is marked as fixed in the status table and dropped to the bottom of the table. Search Console tracks the validation state of the issue as a whole, as well as the state of each instance of the issue. When all instances of the issue are gone, the issue is considered fixed. (For actual states recorded, see Issue validation state and Instance validation state.) "

As the reporting of a page being excluded from being indexed could be considered as just a statement of fact there is no need to submit a request for the page to be either re-indexed after fixing it. Google will send you an email if there are indexing issues with you pages, these should be addressed and a request to re-validate submitted to Google via Google Search Console.

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