Excluded - Page with redirect
I am seeing this in GSC reports and are presently unsure if a redirect can be the result of a non-canonical declared page.
The Google Index Coverage Report explains why this could happen plus a whole lot more. In fact, the report entry is more of an informational message than an error.
In a similar manner to the error: "Submitted URL not found (404)" the cause may be that you have either deleted the file/page from the server an have not updated the sitemap. Alternatively the canonical declaration may have a spelling error (in my case I updated some of the pages with a similar name and forgot to update the sitemap), or the sitemap entry is just wrong!
Errors of this type seem to relate to pages with a www. subdomain. These could come from an earlier indexing before you may have speicified a permanant redirect of www. to your main domain.

Again, Google explains.....
As the reporting of a page being excluded from being indexed could be considered as just a statement of fact there is no need to submit a request for the page to be either re-indexed after fixing it. Google will send you an email if there are indexing issues with you pages, these should be addressed and a request to re-validate submitted to Google via Google Search Console.