Duchess of Cleveland
Menu Duchess of Cleveland

Duchess of Cleveland

Wilhelmina Powlett, Duchess of Cleveland - b. 1819 d.1901 was the author of the Battle Abbey Roll - Vols 1 - 3, published in 1889.

I have a copy of Volume 3 downloaded from the Internet Archive. Due to intermittent nature of the Internet Archive I have yet to locate the first two volumes.

How I found the reference

Searching for names similar to Raymond I came accross the 1066.co.nz website. This led me to the origin of the Raymonds from Wye, Kent.

Luckly the reference to Raymond was in volume III. I have yet to locate the earlier volumes.





  • The Battle Abbey roll, with some account of the Norman lineages - https:// archive.org/details/battleabbeyroll w03battuoft/page/n6/mode/ 2up?q=raimond - Volume 3
  • Wilhelmina Powlett, Duchess of Cleveland - https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Wilhelmina_Powlett,_ Duchess_of_Cleveland - The Battle Abbey Roll was first found quoted on 1066.co.nz

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