Descendent Elements
When validation my HTML code with the Nu W3C validator it revealed that I was violating the inheritance rules for the Document Object Model.
While the code that I had developed seemed to be functional it turned out that it was inviolation of the rules. What I had done was to add an anchor tag to a button element
The HTML in question
<button class="w3-button w3-pale-green"><a href="design_3.html" style="text-decoration:none">
More Design <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a></button>
The technique used in a different way
While the addition of a hyperlink to a button is a "no no", the addition to a plain text element is okay. I thought that this would be a good enhancement to add when I was looking at code for my Parish Council site.
It is a well accepted notion that clicking on an icon at the top of a page will take you to the home page of the icon clicked. seems to do this by default.
The real reason