Website Ownership and Website Content
A website can be owned by a company, an organisation or even a private individual. is owned by me and I am the webmaster. I am solely responsible for the website content
The Parish Council website is owned by the Village and I am the webmaster. The content of the website is controlled by the Clerk of the Council and is uploaded by the webmaster. All Parish Councillors are responsible for the content of the Parish Council Website.
The Village Hall Website is owned by the Village Hall Committee and I am the webmaster. The Commitee is responsible for the content of the website. The webmaster is NOT a Village Hall Commitee member and is NOT responsible for the generation of content for the VH webite.
It is the opinion of the Webmaster that the VH website is unnecessary and the VH would be far better off using Social Media exclusively. In its present form it is not viewed by the intended audience, i.e. the residents of the Village. The Village Hall website is out-of-date due to the lack of editorial input and most residents that use the Internet are far happier using Facebook. The webmaster is NOT a Facebook user and therefore cannot be of assistance in this regard.
Company Websites
These normally would be eCommerce sites and would be more orientated to sales. NONE of the websites administered by are websites of this ilk. If you require an eCommerce website would be more than happy to assist you in this endeavour.
The webmaster would also like to point out that there a number of individuals within the village that operate eCommerce websites and would be far better placed to offer assistance in this area. The same can be said for Social Media expertise.
Ground Rules
Here are a few Terms and Conditions for changes to administered websites.
The websmaster is ONLY responsible for the upload of content to the websites. The Webmaster is NOT responsible for Editorial Content (wording and other descriptive text or graphics).
Feedback is required from all Parish Councillors and Village Hall Committee members when changes are made to the websites.
All requests for changes to the Parish Council website are to be made by the Clerk of the Council. All other requests will be referred back to the Clerk for approval.
Conditions Specific to Village Hall
All requests must be made by the Secretary or member of the "Executive" delegated by the Secretary (i.e. the Chairman or Treasurer). The webmaster needs to be told who this person is if it is not the Secretary.
All requests for additions and edits need to be fully specified in where the content is to appear and what wording is expected to accompany the addition/edit. Feedback is required when a change has been made on the website. If not feedback is recieved it wiil be assumed that the change is adequate and no further communication will be made between the webmaster and the person making the request.
Events and Activities
The posting of Events and Activities is more than just the supply of a flier that is intended to be distributed around the village. The flier can be posted on the website but there needs to be an instruction for the Webmaster on how to refer to the flier (or the event) and text provided for a link to it.
When "normal" activities are resumed at the village hall the page(s) relating to that event need to be reviewed by the person responsible for the organisation of that event. For example: the table tennis needs to have a clear description of what that event entails, who is the organiser and how that person can be contacted. It is NOT the responsibility of the webmaster to provide this communication.
The same applies to the Film Club, BW Singers and the Art Group.