Belchamp Walter in the Dark Ages
I include this page as there is a big gap between the Romans in the area and the supposed activities at the turn of the first millenium in Belchamp Walter. The date 904 is on the village sign, but as I have pointed out on many other pages there is little "backup" for this date. However, something must have been going on in Belchamp Walter after the Romans gave up their presence here.
As David Mitchell says in his book you cannot ignore this period but as things were not recorded particularly well references to the "Venerable" Bede and the findings at Sutton Hoo cannot be understated. I also have a bit of a problem in the development of religion over this period. Seeing as we now base our dating system on the birth of Christ time needs to be put into perpective in relation to the development of Christianity, the vilification of the Jews (Edward I in 1290) and the general Islamaphobia (The Crusades)