VH Booking Form using Block Editor
These forms were disabled on the Village Hall website around the time of the COVID lockdown and never re-instated. They worked to the extent of the knowledge of the Committee member that developed them orginally.
The forms were constructed using the Block Editor which has been "improved" in the last 4 years! Some of the improvements were to the response message that the user was shown after the submit button was pressed, I am not sure whether the incoming message to the recipient at the Village Hall was editable.
All i remember is that the interface seemed to change every time I accessed it!
The additional fields
The booking forms were basically the same as the Contact form with some additional fields such as food preferences (Veg or Non-Veg) ans whether the terms and conditions of the Hall Rental were read and agreed to.
Fit for purpose
The forms as they were originally constructed were probably "fit for purpose" in that they provided a means for a visitor to the website to communicate with the Village Hall electronicslly. However, a phone call would have been just as good and in fact that was the method that most had used to date. In fact I could only see 2 instances where the hall was booked using the website. One of those was made by the current webmaster. There was another query from a third potential customer, but that could have been done using the Contact form.
I know at the time there was the thought that the whole process could have been logged on the website and the dates added to an Events Calendar. An Events Calendar was attempted and abandoned. The same goes for online payment processing but this was not pursued by the then webmaster.