House Template development
The Craft Fair
The Craft fair webpage started off as a simple adaptation of the House Design Template.
You can see what the House design looks like and its supporting code by visiting the W3CShools website. The iamge seen on the right is the first set of modifications into the new template for the Friends of BW Church.
The setting of the interval and index is not so important when starting a new storyboard.
Starting this page I simply copied the old page and deleted slides that I was going to change.
Probably need a blank slide in the sub-template.
The starting place for the Craft Fair page:
The images probably need to be placed in seperate containers.
In addition, to prototype a storyboard the index of the slide that is being worked on and the interval can be reset to the "working" slide and a long interval.
When the "how-to" has been developed the settings can be changed back to appropriate values.
2nd Step
After you have made a copy of the original template, using a different file name, you can start to make changes.
The important thing is not to make too many changes at once as you break something and it will be nearly impossible to see why.
The Result
Here is an image of the Craft Fair page after several iterations. Like so many projects it is never finished!
3 Making a secondary template
This is based on the main page. This sub-page is for vendors/participants of the fair. Additional information and photos of their products are to be featured on this sub-page.
Only participants with more than one photo have a sub-page.
In the same way that navigation from the main page is configured the image on the right is the image from the main page and there is a link on this image to the additional information.
Sub-pages look like this:
4 Navigation
Hyperlinks are added to images and to other elements, such as the header (h1) on the main page. In the case of the h1 element the navigation is to the list of vendors.
Sub-pages are accessed by clicking on image:
Below is the image grid from the main Craft Fair page. As I said before the House Template was changed from rows of w3-half containers to w3-quarter containers.
There was no on-page navigation on the original House Template as it was designed to be a "single page" layout, i.e. "simple".
5 Social Media Integration
To direct visits to a webpage this is essential.
The reason for putting the Craft Fair pages in a seperate directory is that once the fair is over the sub-directory can be renamed and the pages will not be accessible. I will have to make sure that they are also non-indexable by search engines.
Facebook Links
I am loath to place these on my pages.
See the original Storyboard page