Menu 404 Page

The page you requested is not available - HTTP Error 404

This page will be displayed if you try to access a page that is no longer on the Internet.
The page could have been deleted or moved to another location.


If you are seeing this page after clicking on a result from a search engine such as Google then it is highly likely that the webmaster has deleted it.

Threatening the webmaster

If you threaten a webmaster to remove content from their website on an unsubstantiated claim, like they are commiting a criminal offense, then the page is not likely to be removed from the search engine index.

To get a listing removed from an index then the webmaster needs to be asked politely with a good reason for them to do so. Simply saying that the content is completely morally wrong is not a valid excuse, especially if the statements made are accurate.

I should have used a 301 redirect to permenantly redirect the page to another on the server.


External Links Disabled. is a non-commercial website. No payment or benefit is gained by the placement of links toother websites.

The External link is disabled to on this page, please visit other pages

Unlike most genealogical research websites does not attempt to get you to "sign-up" when you click on one of their links.

This Wikipedia link is disabled.

The link on Wikipedia was to:

External Links Disabled. is a non-commercial website. No payment or benefit is gained by the placement of links to other websites.

The External link is disabled to on this page, please visit other pages


External Links - references

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