Form Handler
A simple form to echo the user input back to the screen.
A Form Handler can be any "Server-Side" script, php is chosen here as it has the most examples available for analysis. Perl, Python and others could be used. Javascript is "Client-Side" but can be useful to manipulate form dats before "posting" and processing. For example, it can be used to select data from "dropdowns" validate, and programatically submit the form.
The php handler
This will only work if uploaded to the webserver.
There will be an output if run locally but it will not echo the input from the form. I also need a CAPTCHA to protect the form.
The Javascript handler
This will be a testing place for validation or other processing.
The following is an example of the syntax:
If I persue php form processing to any great degree I may want to place all the .php files in their own directory.