Menu The Flemish Stained Glass

The Flemish Stained Glass

The Flemish Stained Glass in the North window of the chancel of St. Mary the Virgin Belchamp Walter has three distinct depictions. The most important are those of St. Peter and that of the Arch-Angel Garbriel (St. Micheal).

However, at the top of the panel is what is probably a depiction of a mythical beast that could be the inspiration for the Raymond family motif. It is generally known as a Griffin. My resaerch would tend to suggest that the Mythical Beast is a Wyvern.



Griffin or Wyvern?

A Grffin

A griffin is a cross between a Eagle and a lion

A Wyvern

A Wyvern is a type of dragon with two legs, two wings, and often a pointed tail which is said to be a venomous stinger.


The motif of the Raymonds does not have a beak but appears to have a venomous stinger.

This is the top of the window in the Saxon opening and the Flemish stained glass.

The full window is shown on the right. I need a better image of the ducally gorged Wyvern.




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