Why I do not use Facebook
Apparently I "rail on" (critise - possibly ridicule, scorn or some other synonym) about Facebook and may be those that use it. I don't think that I do.
True, I am not a fan of the interface but my main problem with Facebook is the fact that it seems to be part of a lot peoples lives and there is a notion that there is something wrong with you if you don't have a Facebook profile.
Whereas I can definitely be seen as an "old person" I have been using the Internet since its invention and I have been following the developments of activity on it for over 25 years. In fact I was using computers to comunicate before the Internet was invented. This was in the form of the use "bulletin board system".
So I can hardly be called a luddite. I was a Compuserve user but gave that up as there became alternative methods to have a personal email account and access to the Internet. Email was a domain of business at the time and the chance of a personal address was one that I adopted as soon as I could.
My Suspicions
Here I have something in common with those that I see carrying around their Smartphones. My suspicion is that most of the time the Facebook users are checking their own page to see who had "friended" them or comented on their and other friends posts. They are not really that interested in other peoples pages except to "spy" on their activities. The whole thing is too narcasistic in my opinion.
I admit that a large part of my Smartphone usage is to check what I have posted online. The difference here is that what I post exists locally on my computer and I only use the Internet connection to see how my pages render on the phone. I can edit my postings without an Internet connection.
FaceMash and TheFaceBook
Created October 28 2003 and February 4 2004. As a comparison I registered tempusfugit.ca January 2003, so I actually preceded FaceBook as far as Internet presence is concerned.
2010 Facebook were inviting web users to become "beta testers". While my web offerings have not yet become recognised by many, I am not really interested in "Social Media".
The Template used for this page
You may have noticed that this page looks a little from the others on this website.
- What I think about Social Media and the Social Media Age
- Contact me on Social Media
- Another look
- Understanding Facebook
- Community Websites - why Internet users prefer Facebook
External Sources
- Is There Something Wrong With People Who Do Not Use Facebook? 🔗 - psychologytoday.com Sept 2012
- The History of Facebook 🔗 WikiP
Why I do not use Facebook - January 2021