CSS display: block

When developing the "clickable top bar" design for a mobile rendering I remembered that I had to add a display: block to a menu that I had developed earlier. The reason for this was that the clickable area was not taking the whole button and you had to click on the actual text.

An exmple of this can be seen on an old design layout: rwd_explained_old.html

This page is a "fill-in" for some of the development pages leading to the present design. It is mainly for my own consumption.

Clicking on the Top Bar of a mobile display

I have added the disply: block attribute to the top bar on the mobile coding of this page. It does not seem to make much difference.

Any difference that can be seen is evident on a computer display as I have not turned off the cursor (which will not be seen in any case on a mobile screen).

Clicking on the top bar, on the mobile resolution, takes you to the Home Page.


Need to copy the Property Values - from the W3C page



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