Accessibility Statement
As the owner (operator) of this website I make the assurance that to the best of my abilities and the resources avaiable to me that the website is WCAG compliant to the WCAG2.1AA standard.
Checks made on website:
The following checks were performed or deemed to be not applicable
- Website is "mobile friendly" - the website follows a Responsve Web Design (RWD) and can be clearly viewed on mobile devices
- Presentation and fonts are clear. W3C recommendations and fonts are used where possible.
- The site is useable just using a keyboard - a mouse or other pointing device is not needed -(this needs to be reviewed)
- Images have alternate text descriptions - The Parish Council main page was created from a W3C template.
Possible Enhancements
To improve on the general accessibilty of the site Tooltips can be added to the major menu options. This will make the site easier to use by those who are deaf or have a hearing impariment.
Blind users can use the "read aloud" feature of most browsers - this needs to be checked.
The use of the button above is not an indication that a page or site is actually compliant, it is the responsibily of the "content provider" to ensure that this is the case. However, if you see this button then the webmaster is pretty aware of the rquirements for accessibility.