Voice Community Websites
If you are happy with what you have (or had) currently on BedsParishes, BucksVoice, EssexInfo, and SurreyCommunity then I recommend you apply for a site on e-voice.org.uk - as an administrator for a parish council that was hosted on EssexInfo I will not be doing so and these are my reasons.
There are instructions on the Voice website that detail how you can move your website to their service (see link below). The limitations of what will be moved are also set out and I suggest that you read and understand what they are. The process is automatic and Voice cannot provide support on this automatic process and only provide technical support on an on-going basis through forums and on-line documentation.
Why I will not be moving to Voice
I guess the biggest reason is that I was never happy with what I had with EssexInfo. As Voice uses the same underlying CMS I do not recommend it as a service. There were many features in the EssexInfo CMS (Cambridge Open Systems) that were not needed and frankly didn't work.
The Voice service uses a WYSIWYG editing and administration system and it is somethiing that like to avoid like the plague.