Sun Dial Menu
Menu Hown-Grown eCommerce

On-line Store

The page will be simple and contain intially three products. These could be items for sale, booking for an event or a donation to the group.

Welcome to the online store

You will be able to select from a range of merchandise and then make your purchase. As an example here I have taken the sale of the Georgian fence posts and hoops that have recently been replaced and almost £1,000 has been raised for the Church

Church Fence Post

You have selected a fence post(s) for £15.00

Church Fence

You wish to make a booking for event goes here for ??? people at £10.00

Notes on this version


In keeping with many other development tasks it is often best to have multiple versions and not make too many changes as thing will inevitably break.

This version was developed use the first prototype I wrote and is, at the time of writing this, on the Parish Council server. The selection of a product or other item is one of three which are displayed in a responsive group of w3-third containers. The w3-display-hover and opacity were taken from other examples.

At the present time the selection process displays the selection using an animated modal. It took quite a bit of playing around to get this to look the way I wanted.

The template for the entire page is a modified version of my responsive page for my main website. It is my intention to develop another layout for the Friends pages so that they look different from the Parish Council pages and they will be built using the W3 Framework. In fact if all goes well I might start using the framework my main site.

The page has a modal that is a form - this information will probably be more relevant on a "check-out"/billing page. I will leave it in for this version.

If the form nature of the selection process is removed from the modal I can probably get away with a single modal and change the text contained in the modal using a manipulation of the inner??? text of the paragraph. It would also be good to have an ability to add and keep a running total to a shopping basket.

Need quantity and number of people to book - and donation amount - so I do need 3 forms - next version.

Site design by Tempusfugit Web Design -