Things I like
Design is a good start.
Is completely different from my design
There is animation built-in Yhe menu on the left for example
The alignment of the text in the Photo Grid (i.e. this text does not mess-up the alignment of the second photo grid. At least I hope it doesn't and this extended text should test that feature.
Things I don't
Side menu can't be turned off, but probably could be looking at code.
Currently everything is on one page. This not not the case
What I could remove
Social Media links.
The filter bar at the top. This is juat an example of a W3.css class
Pelican in her Piety
More things that I like in this design
2nd line of Photo Grid
Praesent tincidunt sed tellus ut rutrum. Sed vitae justo condimentum, porta lectus vitae, ultricies congue gravida diam non fringilla.
Parish Council Website
Playing around with this template I am trying it out for the Home page of the Parish Council
If it looks good I will replace my design that looks like the main site.
This page is an example of C3.css templates.
The w3-container contians the sections for:
I probably could have used a W3 styled list here
Web Design
Chicago, US