Solar Farm - Belchamp - Knowl Green
Menu Solar Farm - Belchamp - Knowl Green

Solar Farm - Belchamp - Knowl Green

The map below was taken from the British Solar Renewables website and shows the proposed layout of the project.

Interestingly there are no road names marked on the map. The location of Knowl Green is not made clear in that it adjacent to Belchamp St. Paul's.

The road at the top of the map is the road from Clare to Belchamp St. Paul's (Church street) and shows the powergrid substation and the BSR Zenoblé Claredown Fast Reserve Power battery locations. The road at the bottom is Baker's road, Belchamp St. Paul's.

Knowl Green is shown on most maps as being on Gages Road and much further South than the location of the proposal.

It appears that BSR are purposely attempting to disassociate the location of the propoal from Belchamp St. Paul's.


The Proposed Layout:

There seems to be much confusion to where the solar farm is located and if your make an Internet search it is still no clearer. Formerly there was a dicussion on the Belchamp Villages Private Facebook Group page, but that has been removed by those in control of that page.

I am particularly amused by the reponses on the Belchamp Walter Villages page as I was banned from there some time ago at the start of the Covid-19 crisis. I was concerned about the tone of the post on the page and suggested that the group be made "public" so that the whole community could read about what support was being offered by the villages to those that were "locked-in". The administrators of the Facebook group did not like to be criticised and appeared to be manipuating the postings on the group to suit their own view of the world. This resulted in the ban when this was pointed out!

Having briefly been a member of the group, under my real name, I withdrew as thought that the group was not sincere in its approach. The ban was for a "fake" Facebook user that the group had accepted not even knowing who it was.




  • The Proposal - https:// the-proposals/
  • Consultation Feedback - http:// wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ BSR-Knowl-Green-Consultation -Feedback-Summary-June-2023.pdf

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