Creating forms using W3.css

Poking around on the W3 Schools website can reveal lots of "goodies".

Actually some of the form INPUT types are not necassarily part of the Framework - but maybe they are. The syntax for the standard <input> tag is different from the syntax in the example.

The Contact form from the W3.css Catering and Restaurant Examples

Catering Service, 42nd Living St, 43043 New York, NY

You can also contact us by phone 00553123-2323 or email, or send us a message here:

The standard input

Taking the w3 class out of the date field above still looks the same on Edge.

The w3-panel class can be used to display quotes.
The Mozilla website says:

" Because of the limited browser support for datetime-local, and the variations in how the inputs work, it may currently still be best to use a framework or library to present these, or to use a custom input of your own. Another option is to use separate date and time inputs, each of which is more widely supported than datetime-local. "

The quote above shows both the quote and the use of the w3-panel with a left-bar


External Sources

Creating forms using W3.css