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Da Vinci Robotics (Test Page)

A test page for the development of a Third Template Design

Da Vinci

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Laparoscopic Surgery


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Laparoscopic Anterior Resection

An anterior resection is an operation is to remove the rectum or a part of it.

After removing the portion of the rectum, the surgeon will join the two healthy ends together using either a series of sutures (stitches) or staples. This is called an anastomosis.

The following is a quote from CUH - Addenbrooke's colorectalunit

" When a diagnosis of cancer is made, treatment for each patient is discussed by a multidisciplinary team of cancer experts including colorectal surgeons, radiologists, histopathologists, oncologists and specialist nurses, all of whom play a part in supporting patients and family through their cancer journey. This is to ensure care is determined on an individual basis and tailored to specific patient’s needs. If no cancer is found, patient will be notified within 28 days. "

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